The Case Against Trump


Sam Ervin at the Watergate Hearings

The American voters, with the assistance of the Electoral College, Russian cyber warriors, the Rupert Murdoch propaganda arm of Fox News, the Robert Mercer propaganda tools of Breitbart and Cambridge Analytics, vote hacking, and a shameful Republican campaign of racism, misogyny, and praying on nativist ignorance, elected as President Donald Trump, the head of a New York based crime family with ties to a global network of anti-democratic oligarchs.   (For Mercer, see Jane Mayer Exposes Robert Mercer.  See also Vote Hacking links.)  His enterprises have a long history of engaging in criminal money laundering and foreign corrupt practices.  (For his crime ties, see for example the following blogs:  The Root of all Evil, Donald Trump and Organized Crime, and Blumenthal’s Short History of the Trump Family.  For money laundering, see Dutch Report Investigation of Trump Partner and the Davidson Azerbaijan blogs. )   Close associates include the notorious political fixers former campaign manager Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, and Arthur J. Finkelstein,   His National Security Advisor Michael Flynn resigned in disgrace over lies concerning his contacts with the Russian Ambassador.  His inner circle includes Sebastian Gorka – with ties to a Hungarian fascist group – and Stephen Bannon, a ruthless supporter of anti-Islamic policies.  (See Fascists in the White House.)

His Trump enterprises in Azerbaijan violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.  (See Evidence Trump Violated the Foreign Corrupt Practice Act.)  During the election campaign, Trump and his team colluded with Russian operatives to undermine the integrity of the election in exchange for policy changes removing sanctions on Russia for its aggression in Crimea and the Ukraine.  (See the Clint Watts link re the Russian disinformation campaign.  See the Gollner article and Collusion in Plain Sight re the many routes for collusion.)  As President, Trump has systematically attacked core American institutions, casting aspersions on our judiciary, declaring the press the enemy of the people, leading a fight to remove access of citizens to health care, appointing  as Attorney General a known racist who perjured himself at his confirmation hearing, as head of the EPA a denier of fundamental science, and as education head, a rich donor with no experience in public education.   In violation of the Constitutional emoluments clause and prohibitions against use of public office for personal benefit, Trump flagrantly received public emoluments from foreign countries, publicly advertised his personal enterprises, and in violation of anti-nepotism rules, appointed family members to prominent, policy making posts in his administration.  His recent executive orders target the historic separation of church and state and protections for the LGBT community.

Trump himself exhibits bizarre behaviors indicative of a Narcissistic disorder, delusions, and reduced mental capacity.  He shamed our country when, as after dinner entertainment,  he ordered a missile attack on Syria, while sharing a purportedly delicious cake with the Chinese president.  He has insulted the democratic heads of state of Germany and Mexico, while praising authoritarian and abusive rulers in Russia, Turkey, China, North Korea, The Philippines, and Egypt.  He insanely takes totally contradictory positions on numerous policy matters, from NATO to health care to religious freedom.  He has flirted with nuclear war, publicly threatening a “major, major conflict” with North Korea.  Need I go on?   Impeach him.

(Author’s note:  This blog site is devoted to calling out the transgressions of Mr. Trump.  The references given above are leads to particular relevant blogs, but are in no sense exclusive.  Feel free to browse the blog index.)


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